The Red Pancho, Oil on linen, 16 x 12 inches |
Awakened experiences and new
perceptions are occurring regularly and I am thankful for all. My inner child is thriving, along with active imagination, and I have been producing a new series of artwork.
All I can say is
that it must be equanimity. I had a perception the other day—a visualization of looking through a thick sheet of glass. The glass was flawless and absolutely clear, allowing me to see with perfect clarity the world of beautiful nature. I think this showed my inner life is in a calm and peaceful place that allows me to experience the outer world with clear perception. Like a child looking through eyes of wonder, and years of experience offer some wisdom too.
In fact, my energy
has been good and I am doing things easily and without resistance. I
drove to California for sixteen hours straight. This surprised me.
Usually I get dreadfully tired after 500 miles or six or seven hours of driving,
and have to drag to a stop. Same on the way back—sixteen hours no
problem. My mental state is alert, calm, and reflective.
If I feel a
complaint, I can easily overcome it by absorbing into the “pristine
moment.” What is this? It is where love exists in nature and can
overcome troublesome mind with great curative effects.
Daydream, Mixed Media, 16.5 x 12.5 x 3 inches |
Anyway, I am taking
the jump—the same way I did while in New Zealand last January and
jumped from a suspension bridge into a deep stream of glacial water
far below me. I crossed my arms over my chest and as I hurled myself
forward I cried, “Thank You God for everything!”
Blue Pools, Glacier stream, New Zealand |