Travel has become so complicated. Today’s world is one of peril.
It could not happen in today’s world. The tragedy of airplane hijackings and mass destruction on 911 changed travel. Hidden bombs have blasted airplanes full of passengers out of the skies. Everyone is suspect of evil. People and items are scanned for contraband. Everyone must partially undress before proceeding to the gates, and go through scanners. Multi document checks are required.
Now, in the time of mass pandemics, even more obstacles must be negotiated before reaching a seat aboard a plane.
When Amy left, I started coughing, sneezing and had congestion. After a couple days, it dawned on me that if I have covid our trip would be ruined. Everything is booked in advance. In a bit of panic I went to a local lab and paid 25 dollars for a test. A half hour later I got the result: negative. Good Lord!
To get into the United States, test results taken 24 hours before boarding is required. I still have slight cold symptoms.
I have been praying a powerful prayer called the Long Healing Prayer.
Meditation tells me I do not have covid. I hope it is right.
My neighbor Mayolo, his wife Marta, and granddaughter Frida came to the house on my birthday a couple days ago. They brought dinner and a birthday cake. Then we watched the Disney movie, “Coco”. I don’t speak Spanish and they don’t speak English. No matter.
Mayolo will come get me on Tuesday and take me to the airport for my 10 AM flight to Washington DC. His daughter Kaoni, son in law Carlos and Frida are house sitting for us. I saw them today. We went over details about the house.
The last thing Kaoni said was “buen viaje” or good travels.
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